Connecting ideas with but or so

It's sunny but cool today.

  • Using "but" to show contrast
    But is used to connect two contrasting ideas in a sentence.
    • It implies a contradiction or a contrast between the two clauses or phrases it connects.
    Example: It's sunny but cool today.

  • Using "or" to present alternatives
    Or is used to offer choices or alternatives between two or more options.
    • It connects words, phrases, or clauses that provide different possibilities.
    Example: We can walk to the festival, or we can ride our bikes.

  • Using "so" to show cause and effect
    So is used to connect a cause (reason) with its effect (result).
    • It indicates that the second clause follows as a result or consequence of the first clause.
    Example: It's chilly, so you should take a jacket.

Fun Fact:

In English, conjunctions like “but,“ “or,“ and “so“ help make writing more fluid by connecting ideas, making the relationships between them clear to the reader.


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