• Introduce yourself to the class.

Introduce yourself to the class. You can say: "Hi, I'm [Name]. I'm [Age] years old and I'm from [Country]. I enjoy [Hobbies]."

  • Subject-verb agreement
    • In English, the subject of a sentence must agree with the verb in number.
    • For example, I as the subject takes am (singular) instead of are or is.
    Example: I am (not I are or I is) from Spain.

  • Use of commas
    • Commas are used to separate phrases in a sentence for clarity and to indicate a slight pause.
    • In this phrase, commas are used to separate the introduction elements: Hi, I'm [Name].
    • I'm [Age]...
    Example: Hi, I'm Maria.

  • Consistency in sentence structure
    • Maintaining consistent sentence structure helps in creating clear and understandable sentences.
    • Here, each sentence follows a structure starting with I am or I enjoy to introduce information about oneself.
    Example: I'm 20 years old. I enjoy painting.

Fun Fact:

In English, introducing oneself often starts with “Hi“ or “Hello,“ followed by personal details to help create a friendly and open conversation.


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