He studies Computer Science.(The present simple)

He studies Computer Science.

  • Subject-verb agreement
    • In English, the subject of a sentence must agree with the verb in number.
    • If the subject is singular, like he in this sentence, the verb must also be singular.
    • Hence, the use of studies instead of study.
    Example: He studies Computer Science.

  • Proper use of articles
    • In English, the, a, and an are articles used before nouns.
    • However, they are not used before names of subjects or disciplines unless it is a specific case.
    Example: He is studying the science of computers.

  • Capitalization of proper nouns
    • Names of subjects or disciplines are usually not capitalized unless they are part of a degree title or used in the title of a class.
    • However, Computer Science is capitalized here to show it is a specific course or field of study.
    Example: I am studying Computer Science.

Fun Fact:

In English, the general rule is that the first word of the sentence and all proper nouns are capitalized.


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